
Make Your Money Last Forever With 2 Simple Rules

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Demystifying the nuances of structuring your retirement savings is one of my personal missions in this newsletter. Here are 2 rules that you can use to make sure you have enough saved, and it will last you all through your golden years.

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Are Your Retirement Expenses Out of Control?

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Retirement expenses can be a tricky field to navigate. How much should you allocate for entertainment, transportation, housing, and a dozen other expenses? Unfortunately I don’t have all those answers, but what I DO have is some hard data that you can use as a gauge to see if you are significantly off the mark for what is working for most retirees.

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The Household Chore That Can Save You Money

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The 6 suggestions I’m giving you are only a few of the changes you can make in your home and lifestyle to cut your power bill each month.
500. Here are some simple steps you can take without doing an extreme home makeover.

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What to “Look” for Before You Make This Purchase

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If you’re hesitant to buy prescription eyewear online, let me dispel some of the myths about the process and lay out exactly what you need to know.

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Your 30 Day Financial Challenge

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Set aside five to 30 minutes each day over the next 30 days and follow my financial checklist. Don’t worry about trying to be perfect, this is an exercise in action. Here’s the full 30-day challenge:

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Fighting Medical Bills and More…

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Back in December, there was an issue where I told you about a surfing accident sent me to the hospital for a weekend. And I said my own experience demonstrated how important it is to fully understand the type of insurance you have before an unexpected event sends you to the ER.

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3 Secrets to Slashing College Costs

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If you can’t figure out how to slash the costs of your child’s education, you’re going to get crushed. Lucky for you, I’ve been doing some research on this and found three ways I believe you can significantly lower the costs of getting your child a post-secondary education

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