
Budgeting Tricks for Retirement

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Retirement expenses can be difficult to navigate. How much should you save, how much should you take out each year, how do you budget for emergencies? With all of the uncertainty its can be stressful and confusing. Today, I’ll break down the most common expenses that you’ll encounter in retirement and how to plan around them.

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Are Your Retirement Expenses Out of Control?

This post Are Your Retirement Expenses Out of Control? appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

Retirement expenses can be a tricky field to navigate. How much should you allocate for entertainment, transportation, housing, and a dozen other expenses? Unfortunately I don’t have all those answers, but what I DO have is some hard data that you can use as a gauge to see if you are significantly off the mark for what is working for most retirees.

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Part II – What Commodities and Transportation Are Telling Us

        March 6, 2019 In Part I of this report we talked about and showed you what commodities and transports where doing in relation to each other. Here in Part II, we show you in detail what we expect to take place. This final chart highlights our Custom Smart Cash Index (in BLUE) as well as the CBOE Commodity Index pricing levels (in RED).  This data goes all the way back to 2012 and highlights a number of key pricing rotations.  First, we can see that Commodities have been decreasing in total value from 2012 till mid-2017.  We can also identify a key support level that was established in the Commodities Index near the beginning of 2016 – coinciding just a month or so before the bottom in the Smart Cash Index. We believe this Key Bottom in both the Commodities Index and the Smart Cash Index reflect a dramatic pricing shift that took place at that point in time.  Although Commodities have yet to rally beyond upper high ranges, we can see the Smart Cash Index rallied to incredible new all-time highs.  The rally that started near the end of 2016 in the Smart Cash Index was likely the result of a “Capital Shift” that we have discussed extensively in the past.  With commodity prices staying historically low and an increase in economic optimism, capital shifted away from “commodity-based sectors” and into “technology and biotech sectors”.  Now, it appears this rally has run its course and a new … Continue reading

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