The Surprising Numbers on Female CEOs

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By Kristin Orman

We don’t shy away from controversy.

And occasionally, it fires people up…

Case in point: Almost six months ago, Steve McDonald’s “Slap in the Face” Award video about women and finances struck a chord with our readers.

It wasn’t a good one.

In the segment, Steve bestowed the award on all of the women in this country who refuse to get involved in investing.

Some Wealthy Retirement readers called him sexist.

And while many found his commentary insulting, I was amused.

You see, many readers missed Steve’s point…

He wasn’t bashing women’s financial performance; he was praising it.

He simply said that, as a broker, he found that women have superior instincts when it comes to investing.

I couldn’t agree more.

And research backs it up. A number of studies have concluded that women are actually better investors than men.

One of the most famous studies is called “Boys Will Be Boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock Investment.” Terrance Odean of the University of California, Berkeley, and Brad Barber of the University of California, Davis, conducted it in 2000. The study showed that single women outperform single men by 1.44% a year in the stock market.

And recently published data from Fidelity Investments demonstrates that female investors outperform men year after year.

I wanted to see if female CEOs increased shareholder returns. So I analyzed the members of the S&P 500.

What I found, honestly, shocked me.

I looked at the performance of S&P 500 companies after they hired a female CEO. And companies led by women outperformed the broader markets by an average of 104%!

These companies saw their stock prices rise 170%, while the S&P gained only 67%.
Female Leaders Reach Record Highs
Today, the number of women running S&P 500 companies is at a record high.

Of the 504 companies included in the index, 29 have female CEOs. Even though women make up more than 50% of the population, women fill the top slots of less than 6% of the companies in the S&P.

But that’s leaps and bounds from where we were 10 years ago when less than 3% of S&P 500 companies were led by women. And the trend is paying off in spades…

Marillyn Hewson has been CEO of Lockheed Martin Corp. (NYSE: LMT) since 2013. Since she landed the role, Lockheed Martin’s stock has risen by more than 255% versus the S&P 500’s 93% increase.

And Lisa Su was named CEO of semiconductor company Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: AMD) in 2014. Since she began her tenure, the company’s stock has gone up nearly 296% versus the S&P 500’s 31% rise.

Of course, not every female CEO has done a great job for shareholders. Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer is a prime example…

She resigned after Verizon completed its acquisition of Yahoo in June. So she was excluded from this analysis.

“Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better”
There’s been a lot of speculation surrounding why female CEOs surpass men when it comes to shareholder returns.

I think it may be because women have to work harder to reach the CEO position of these big companies.

Unfortunately, as the above statistics show, the “glass ceiling” is still alive and well in 2017. And these female CEOs …read more

Source:: Investment You

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