Weekend Show – Sat 9 Sep, 2017

By Cory Central Banks, Metals, Currencies, and Political Turmoil

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We all thought the markets would get more interesting when traders got back after Labor Day and they delivered! We had announcements from a number of central banks most notably the EBC, Bank of Canada, and even a shakeup in the Fed. All of this contribute to the continued decline of the US dollar and the appreciation of gold. The metals are looking strong as are the stocks. We cover all these topics as well as incorporating how China may be helping the move in gold and the move down in the dollar.

We hope everyone has a great weekend and we thank you all for taking tine to share your thoughts and listen in! I have been receiving a lot of emails from all of you which I greatly appreciate. Please keep your thoughts coming regarding companies and topics you would like to see on our show – Fleck@kereport.com!

Segment 1: Marc Chandler, Head Of Global Strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman recaps the statements out of the central banks this week and what to look for in the coming Fed meeting.
Segment 2: Trader Vic discuss how China could be setting up a new way to trade oil that includes a gold backed Yuan.
Segment 3: Ned Schmidt shares the factors that he is watching driving gold.
Segment 4: John Kaiser looks at the relationship between base metals and precious metals as well as a quick comment on the Novo financing.
Segment 5 & 6: Big Al and Dr John Huber discuss the Herd Mentality and how it relates to society today.
Segment 7: Big Al and Jim McKinney discuss societal actions coupled with national political issues.
Segment 8: Big Al discusses the subject of preparedness with expert Dr Joe Alton.

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Source:: The Korelin Economics Report

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