
5 Financial Rules of Thumb You Need to Break

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Some rules are outdated, and some simply don’t apply to everyone’s individual financial circumstances. So why bother follow a rule that makes no sense? Here’s my list of 5 financial rules of thumb you need to consider breaking for your own good:

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How to Retire Rich Without Social Security

This post How to Retire Rich Without Social Security appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

Anyone in their twenties, thirties, heck, even forties might be thinking: “Gee, I feel bad for Dad or Grandpa, but you know it’s not my problem.” Well the reality is, it is your problem.

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How Do You Picture Your Golden Years?

This post How Do You Picture Your Golden Years? appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

For a lot of soon-to-be retirees, the office will be where they spend most of their golden years. Working in retirement not only gives you the opportunity to earn more money, but you can maintain structure in your days and keep your social connections alive.

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What to Do If You’re House Rich but Cash Poor

This post What to Do If You’re House Rich but Cash Poor appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

If you are “house-rich” but “cash poor,” a reverse mortgage might be a way to access some additional cash for your retirement years…

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3 Critical Factors for Your Investing This Year

This post 3 Critical Factors for Your Investing This Year appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

Even if the major markets keep falling from here … or bouncing up and down without really going anywhere for the rest of the year … there’s no reason to get frustrated or sit on the sidelines.

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What to Do if You Are Forced into Early Retirement

This post What to Do if You Are Forced into Early Retirement appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

We tend to think we’re going to work up to, or longer than, traditional retirement age, but it’s not usually the case. In fact, more often than not, older U.S. workers are pushed out of their jobs before their planned retirement date.

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ATTENTION: One Thing All Retirees Need

This post ATTENTION: One Thing All Retirees Need appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

Research found that 47% of Americans didn’t take all of their vacation time in 2017, and 21% left more than five vacation days on the table.

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Thinking About Retiring? Here’s How Much You’ll Really Need…

This post Thinking About Retiring? Here’s How Much You’ll Really Need… appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

One million dollars has long been the benchmark for how much retirees need to have saved for a comfortable retirement. But how accurate is that number really?

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5 Financial Rules of Thumb You Should Break

This post 5 Financial Rules of Thumb You Should Break appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

Some rules are outdated, and some simply don’t apply to everyone’s individual financial circumstances. So why bother follow a rule that makes no sense?Here’s my list of 5 financial rules of thumb you should consider breaking:

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