Big Al’s best reads – Mon 10 Sep, 2018

By Big Al Archbishop Sartain: Bishops ‘must be held accountable’ for shielding abusers

Big Al is currently in Seattle where Kathy is undergoing some additional medical testing. Big Al did attend Mass with Kathy on Sunday where the official position of the Arch Bishop and the Archdiocese on the recent illegal and immoral activities involving sexual abuse and the coverup of these actions was again addressed. When the presentation was over Big Al let loose with a huge sigh of relief and wiped tears from his eyes as he became fully aware of how his church is handling this situation and how the priests; bishops; and, fellow Catholics feel about it and the actions they will take should these mortal sins occur in Western Washington. Big Al also prays that these actions will be taken by the Catholic Church in its entirety.

Statement of Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, August 17, 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report

‘With the recent allegations of sexual abuse committed by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, former Archbishop of Washington, D.C., and the release of a Grand Jury Report involving several dioceses in Pennsylvania, the tragedy of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is once again brought to light. The sexual abuse of a minor is an intrinsic moral evil and a crime. Anyone responsible for such an act or for shielding those who do, including bishops and other Church leaders, must be held accountable for their actions. I join with other bishops from throughout Washington and the United States in expressing our sincere shame and remorse for the incredible harm these crimes have caused the victims and their families.
The Catholic Church in Western Washington continues its focus on providing a safe environment for all minors and vulnerable adults in our care. Special procedures, training and reporting protocols were adopted in 1990. Our policies, training and procedures are reviewed frequently and have been updated several times.
To report any suspicion of abuse by any Church personnel, please contact local law enforcement. In addition, anyone who has knowledge of sexual abuse or misconduct by a member of the clergy, an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Seattle is urged to call the archdiocesan hotline at 1-800-446-7762.
As Catholics, we believe that every life is sacred. Each person is created in the image and likeness of our loving God. Violence and abuse of any kind are unacceptable, and we have a serious responsibility to work towards their end. Together, we must do everything we possibly can to protect children.”

[] USCCB Statemen

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From:: The Korelin Economic Report