Wallbridge Intersects 137.63 g/t Gold Over 4.85 metres

By Anwesha Sengupta

Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. (TSX:WM, FWB:WC7) (“Wallbridge” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce continued positive results from its underground drill program and to provide an update on the ongoing development as part of the 35,000-tonne bulk sample and underground exploration program at its 100%-owned Fenelon Gold Property (“Fenelon”).


Wallbridge intersects 137.63 g/t gold over 4.85 metres (CNW Group/Wallbridge Mining Company Limited)
Visible gold was observed to be present in 37 of 56 holes drilled to date
Since the last press release (see Wallbridge Press Release dated August 28, 2018), partial assay results of 6 additional holes have been received with highlights as follows:
18-1035-011: 65.76 g/t gold over 2.25 metres in the Chipotle zone
18-1035-013: 144.96 g/t gold over 2.12 metres in the Chipotle zone and 40.69 g/t gold over
4.28 metres in the Naga Viper zone
18-1035-018: 12.68 g/t gold over 3.51 metres and9.04 g/t gold over 5.30 metres in the Chipotle zone
18-1035-019: 137.63 g/t gold over 4.85 metres in the Naga Viper zone,18.70 g/t gold over 8.00
metres and39.10 g/t gold over 1.00 metre in the Chipotle zone
18-1080-001: 611.00 g/t gold over 0.50 metre in the Naga Viper zone
18-1080-003: 19.24 g/t gold over 1.50 metres in the Naga Viper zone
18-1080-006: 12.80 g/t gold over 1.70 metres in the Naga Viper zone
Assay results from 34 drill holes are pending
The second stope (NV-01) is being prepared and ramp has reached the second level (5180 Level)
Close to 5,000 tonnes of ore has been shipped to the Camflo mill for processing planned to start this week

“Our drilling to date has mainly focused on the top 100 metres of the deposit. The successful results to date indicate that our original exploration target of 400 ounces per vertical metre has now increased to a range of 800-1,000 ounces per vertical metre and the continued drilling is proving this up in preparation for the updated resource to be completed after the bulk sample,” stated Marz Kord, President & CEO of Wallbridge Mining Company. “This is very comparable to other well-known, high grade Abitibi gold deposits. The planned 2018 drilling from underground and surface should allow us to define the extension and size potential of the deposit to depth”.

The bulk sample is expected to produce 19,000 to 26,000 ounces of gold with close to 50% of gold priced at C$1,720per ounce. The expected cash flow upon completion of this bulk sample, net of all bulk sample costs and including the financing costs is expected to be sufficient to cover the budgeted working capital requirements.

The bulk sample program is designed to test a few stopes in several zones. Overall grade from these planned stopes is estimated to average 18 to 25 g/t gold. The geology team has developed an extensive sampling program to characterize the mineralized material during this bulk sample. Chip samples are collected from a sampling line across each development face and muck samples are also taken in a regular pattern on surface.

“With most of the stope definition drilling completed, we will now entirely focus on resource expansion. The underground drill rig will continue to target high-grade shoots in the current footprint of the mine workings, whereas our surface rig, which is being mobilized later this month, will be testing zones further away. We are eager to continue exploring the broader environment around the known deposit to discover new high-grade gold zones that can easily be added to future production.” stated Attila Péntek, Vice-President, Exploration of Wallbridge.

Drilling to date from the 5213 level has mainly targeted the Chipotle and Naga Viper zones in the upper 100 m, between levels 5150 and 5213. Stopes that have thus far been drilled-off to the planned 6 to 7 m nominal spacing have provided good confirmation of the geological model and continuity of the high-grade shoots. Drilling is now focusing on defining stopes and expanding resources in the West extension area of the Naga Viper and Habanero zones, including the high-grade shoot discovered last year with intersections that included 260.4 g/t gold over 7.02 metres, 141.2 g/t gold over 7.06 metres and 311.1 g/t gold over 3.06 metres (see Wallbridge Press Release dated December 13, 2017).

Deeper drilling to test the down-plunge of known high-grade shoots is planned for Q4 of 2018 once the lower levels are developed.

A 10,000-metre surface drilling program is also scheduled to start in September to follow known mineralized zones and expand resources at depth and further away from the mine workings.

A summary of the drill hole results from the underground drilling are reported in Tables 1 and 2 and also shown on the Figures below.

Table 1. Wallbridge Fenelon Gold Property 2018 Underground Drill Assay Highlights
Drill Hole From To From To Length True
Au Au
VG** Zone Press Release
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t)
18-1030-006 27.79 30.20 2.41 2.20 15.91 15.91 VG Chipotle July 25, 2018
18-1030-006 Including 28.50 29.11 0.61 0.56 59.10 59.10 VG Chipotle July 25, 2018
18-1030-007 31.26 32.66 1.40 1.08 16.72 16.72 VG Chipotle July 25, 2018
18-1030-008 34.47 38.06 3.59 2.76 9.27 9.27 VG Chipotle July 25, 2018
18-1030-008 Including 35.03 36.61 1.58 1.22 17.37 17.37 VG Chipotle July 25, 2018
18-1030-009 77.58 81.00 3.42 2.70 35.91 35.91 VG Paprika July 25, 2018
18-1030-009 Including 78.90 80.60 1.70 1.34 63.33 63.33 VG Paprika July 25, 2018
18-1030-009 90.00 90.97 0.97 0.75 4.76 4.76 Habanero July 25, 2018
18-1030-010 81.00 81.42 0.42 0.32 13.60 13.60 VG Naga Viper July 25, 2018
18-1030-011 80.10 85.50 5.40 4.37 10.05 10.05 Naga Viper Aug 14, 2018
18-1030-012 68.30 71.26 2.96 1.33 10.09 10.09 VG Chipotle Aug 14, 2018
18-1030-012 79.42 82.50 3.08 1.39 7.32 7.32 VG Chipotle Aug 14, 2018
18-1030-012 107.33 108.29 0.96 0.60 6.38 6.38 VG Paprika Aug 14, 2018
18-1035-002 49.20 54.00 4.80 3.26 29.23 28.35 VG Chipotle Aug 14, 2018
18-1035-002 Including 49.97 52.95 2.98 2.03 46.30 44.89 VG Chipotle Aug 14, 2018
18-1035-003 52.20 52.77 0.57 0.39 5.60 5.60 VG Chipotle Aug 14, 2018
18-1035-004 24.94 26.02 1.08 0.73 65.70 65.70 VG Fresno Aug 14, 2018
18-1035-005 58.77 64.90 6.13 5.86 48.81 24.35 VG Naga Viper Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-005 78.65 79.31 0.66 0.53 26.90 26.90 Paprika Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-007 74.30 78.07 2.42 1.94 5.27 5.27 Paprika Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-007 84.90 85.50 0.60 0.48 15.60 15.60 Habanero Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-010 30.45 34.08 3.63 2.72 30.47 30.47 VG Chipotle Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-010 Including 32.90 34.08 1.18 0.89 91.94 91.94 VG Chipotle Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-010 47.50 49.40 1.90 1.43 3.07 3.07 Anaheim Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-010 64.40 65.40 1.00 0.75 28.80 28.80 VG Paprika Current Release
18-1035-011 27.75 30.00 2.25 1.78 65.76 42.89 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-012 28.01 28.56 0.55 0.44 28.30 28.30 VG Chipotle Aug 14, 2018
18-1035-012 56.41 56.71 0.30 0.29 61.10 61.10 VG Naga Viper Aug 14, 2018
18-1035-013 27.36 29.48 2.12 1.77 144.96 78.10 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-013 Including 27.99 29.15 1.16 0.97 262.18 140.00 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-013 51.40 58.35 4.28 3.58 40.69 40.09 VG Naga Viper Current Release
18-1035-015 63.00 65.05 2.05 1.11 6.63 6.63 VG Chipotle Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-015 72.60 74.34 1.74 1.16 15.74 15.74 Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-016 66.77 67.50 0.73 0.51 5.73 5.73 Chipotle Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-016 98.17 100.00 1.83 1.24 4.26 4.26 Paprika Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-017 56.00 66.13 10.13 5.51 49.06 23.93 VG Chipotle Aug 28, 2018
18-1035-018 52.99 56.50 3.51 2.38 12.68 12.68 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-018 63.70 69.00 5.30 3.60 9.04 9.04 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-018 Including 66.00 66.96 0.96 0.65 35.79 35.79 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-019† 47.00 55.00 8.00 5.56 18.70 18.70 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-019 59.30 60.30 1.00 0.69 39.10 39.10 VG Chipotle Current Release
18-1035-019 72.50 77.35 4.85 4.10 137.63 88.38 VG Naga Viper Current Release
18-1080-001 21.00 21.50 0.50 0.40 611.00 140.00 VG Naga Viper Current Release
18-1080-003 35.70 37.20 1.50 1.00 19.24 19.24 VG Naga Viper Current Release
18-1080-003 Including 35.70 36.18 0.48 0.32 58.20 58.20 VG Naga Viper Current Release
18-1080-006 19.30 21.00 1.70 1.59 12.80 12.80 VG Naga Viper Current Release
18-1080-006 Including 20.48 21.00 0.52 0.49 39.80 39.80 VG Naga Viper Current Release
18-1080-006 36.88 41.23 4.35 4.08 3.05 3.05 Habanero Current Release
18-1080-006 Including 40.52 41.23 0.71 0.67 11.10 11.10 Habanero Current Release
*Au capped at 140 g/t following InnovExplo’s 2016 Mineral Resource Estimate
**Intervals containing visible gold (“VG”)
†Final screen metallic analysis is pending on a subset of samples which have reported over limit (> 10 g/t) gold concentration in the
AA analysis. In this release the interval is calculated using 10 g/t gold grade for these samples and this grade will be updated in the
future once …read more

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