Goldplay Announces Significant Silver Values of up to 1,285 gpt AgEq Over 1.5 Meter Intersection from Sampling Program on Historical Core, Supporting the High-Grade Nature of the San Marcial Project, and Upside Potential for Resource Expansion

By Hailey Wahlberg

Figure 1: Drill Hole Location Map San Marcial Project (CNW Group/Goldplay Exploration Ltd)

Goldplay Exploration Ltd. (TSXV:GPLY, OTCQB:GLYXF – the “Company” or “Goldplay”) is pleased to announce initial results from sampling of the first of 22 historical core drill holes completed in 2010, on the Company’s San Marcial Project in Mexico. These drill holes were not incorporated in the historical NI 43-101 resource completed in 2008 (“historical resource”) and thus represent an opportunity for resource expansion. The results to date have successfully demonstrated continuity of the silver, lead, zinc and gold mineralization down dip and revealed new geological features, supporting upside opportunity for the discovery of new mineralized zones at San Marcial. The core sampling program has successfully identified a high-grade mineralized zone hosted in hydrothermal breccias close to major geological structures cross cutting a highly altered volcanic sequence. Highlights of results for the sampling of drill hole SM10-22 include:

Figure 1: Drill Hole Location Map San Marcial Project
Figure 2: San Marcial Long Section (CNW Group/Goldplay Exploration Ltd)
Figure 2: San Marcial Long Section
  • 19.5 Meters @ 157 gpt AgEq

Including 1.5 Metres @ 1,285 gpt AgEq

The following table summarizes the most significant drill results (uncut) from SM10-22 for this news release.

Hole No. From












Zn % Au




SM10-22 245.7 259.2 19.5 19.5 143 0.1 0.2 0.2 157
Including 256.7 257.1 0.4 0.4 221 0.1 0.1 2.3 404
Including 257.5 258.2 0.7 0.7 1940 0.2 0.9 0.1 2000
Including 256.7 259.2 1.5 1.5 1197 0.2 0.9 0.1 1285
Note : all numbers are rounded.

AgEq (silver equivalent) is calculated from gpt data. AgEq g/t = Ag g/t + Au g/t x (Ag Price per oz/ Au price per oz) + (Pb grade x ((Pb price per lb./Ag price per oz) x 0.0685714 lbs. per Troy Ounce x 10000 g per %)) +(Zn grade x ((Zn price per lb./Ag price per oz) x 0.0685714 lbs. per Troy Ounce x 10000 g per %)). Ag price per oz (US$16.50), Au price per oz (US$1250/oz), Pb price per lb. (US$0.95) and Zn price per lb. (US$1.15) and 100% Metallurgical Recovery.

Goldplay President and CEO Marcio Fonseca commented, “Goldplay’s systematic sampling of 22 existing core drill holes (previously only partially sampled) is aimed at expanding resources and delineating mineralized zones to support a high-grade bulk mineable open pit target at the San Marcial Project. We also expect to complete a detailed 3D geological and silver mineralization model. The core reviewed to date reveals a structurally controlled mineralized system, with silver mineralization associated with significant concentrations of lead, zinc and gold, hosted by hydrothermal breccias and fault zones. There is evidence of more than one mineralized event and epithermal features, which are common in the historic Rosario Mining District. The wide hydrothermal breccias hosting the mineralization are closely associated with faults and suggest a large orebody geometry favorable for low strip ratio open pit exploration targets.

The location of drill holes completed prior to the historical resource and the location of sampled drill hole SM10-22 are illustrated as follows (Figure 1).

The following table highlights historical results from previous drill programs incorporated in the historical resource.

Hole From(m) To (m) Interval



Width (m)

Ag Eq.


Ag g/t Lead






SM-1 36 42 6 5.71 111 100 0.08 0.18 na
SM-2 0.4 12 11.61 11.61 382 350 0.21 0.50 na
SM-3 0.2 15 14.8 10.59 252 227 0.15 0.40 na
SM-4 6 63 57 53.95 270 235 0.31 0.47 na
SM-5 1.4 21 19.6 17.16 300 282 0.17 0.23 na
SM-7 105 111 6 4.39 120 91 0.35 0.32 na
SM-9 30 44.5 14.5 12.68 565 540 0.19 0.36 na
SM-9 30 36 6 5.25 1,253 1,226 0.24 0.34 0.03
SM-11 114 132 18 11.75 467 419 0.37 0.69 na
SM-11 114 123 9 5.88 1,012 939 0.56 0.89 0.12
SM-12 33.3 52.5 19.2 12.64 144 130 0.08 0.22 na
SM-12 99.3 100.3 1 0.66 3,685 3,600 0.03 0.63 0.72
SM-12 97.5 100.3 2.8 1.85 933 862 0.02 0.17 0.83
SM-13 50 73.2 23.2 17.50 681 621 0.49 0.85 na
SM-13 54 69.75 15.75 11.88 926 868 0.47 0.84 na
SM-15 78.07 119.7 41.63 39.36 153 80 0.51 1.11 na
SM-16 27 48.57 21.57 15.27 136 76 0.34 0.98 na
SM-16 43 45.57 2.57 1.82 449 210 0.33 4.73 na
SM-17 169.47 172.52 3.05 1.98 249 215 0.20 0.32 0.15
SM-18A 38.82 47.83 9.01 7.77 351 314 0.34 0.50 na
SM-18A 68.34 81.7 13.36 11.45 84 41 0.42 0.56 na
SM-20 143.9 178.37 34.47 23.55 211 101 0.48 1.40 0.32
SM-20 148.9 153.22 4.32 2.95 369 245 0.20 0.37 1.31
SM08-04 153.4 258.75 105.35 105.35 23 5 0.12 0.28 na
SM08-05 135.5 242.5 107 107.00 47 7 0.32 0.57 na
SM08-08 93 186.3 93.3 93.30 165 104 0.47 0.79 0.06
SM08-08 99.8 110 10.2 10.20 508 324 0.07 1.73 1.31
SM08-10 224.2 259.65 35.45 35.45 64 38 0.21 0.34 0.03
SM08-10 225.8 228.85 3.05 3.05 297 195 0.82 1.38 0.05
SM08-12 17.4 61 43.6 43.60 164 140 0.14 0.35 0.03
SM08-12 21.95 26.75 4.8 4.80 414 346 0.53 0.93 0.03
SM08-13 214.25 245.6 31.35 31.35 76 50 0.09 0.41 0.03
Note : all numbers are rounded.

Drill hole SM10-22 intercepted a wide mineralized zone comprising hydrothermal breccias and fault zones, 100 meters down dip from the closest historical resource intersection at SM08-10 (Figure 2 – below).

The sampling of SM10-22 consisted of an extensive multi element dataset allowing Goldplay to enhance the understanding of the geological environment further and provide guidance for planned additional drilling and exploration activities in the San Marcial Project.

Results of sampling of SM10-22 have confirmed the continuity of high grade silver mineralization and anomalous values for lead, zinc and gold down dip outside of the historical resource. The high-grade interval from this hole represents the deepest intersection outside of the historical resource to date in the San Marcial Project. As a result of the success of sampling of SM10-22, Goldplay has commenced the sampling of the remaining 21 holes that were not included in the historical resource, and will complete a new detailed 3D model, in anticipation of a new resource estimate in the December quarter, 2018.

In addition to the successful sampling of historical drill core, the Company anticipates approval of new drilling permits for the San Marcial Project in Q3, 2018. Goldplay has also received “Ejido” (community) approvals to carry out its planned exploration activities in the San Marcial Project.

Geological Background San Marcial Project

The geological setting at the San Marcial Project, consists of a volcaniclastic package with intercalations of agglomerates, andesites, tuffs and rhyolites, deposited in an epiclastic environment and locally cut by diorite dykes. The silver mineralization is controlled by northwesterly trending faults dipping to the northeast, where hydrothermal breccias occur along the footwall. The highest silver values are related to these hydrothermal breccias and fault zones. The mineralization is also impacted in a number of locations by regional scale north-northwest trending faults.

The high-grade silver mineralized zones at San Marcial vary from a couple of meters up to tens of meters in width, outcropping at surface, as defined by mapping, trenching and sampling. The hydrothermal breccias indicate intense hydrofracturing, with transport and rounding of fragments, as well as cementing by a clay or silica matrix in multiphase mineralized events. The mineralization is largely oxidized, and geochemical distribution indicates that the metalliferous hydrothermal solutions carried high-grade silver and anomalous lead, zinc and gold. The localized gold values provide opportunities for new exploration discoveries at the San Marcial Project.

San Marcial Project Ongoing Exploration

In addition to the work completed to date reviewing the San Marcial historical resource, the existing …read more

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