Guyana Goldstrike Completes Preliminary Trenching, Mapping and Sampling at Marudi

By Nicole Rashotte

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Guyana Goldstrike Inc. (TSXV:GYA) reported that the company’s geological team has completed preliminary trenching, mapping and sampling at the Paunch area on its Marudi Gold project located in the Guiana gold belt, Guyana, South America.

As quoted in the press release:

A total of 166.4 metres of surface trenching was completed at Paunch in 12 trenches, 95 sample intervals with 166 horizontal chip channel samples analyzed (including separated undersized and oversized samples) and 5 duplicates all taken at intervals of between 1-3 metres at the bottom of the trench walls to depths of 1-3 metres.

Assay results will be announced when analyses have been received and maps are completed.

Peter Berdusco, president and CEO, commented:

Our mandate via the recent investment by Zijin’s Global and Midas Exploration Funds is to explore Marudi for additional hard rock ounces to add to the Company’s existing resources. To this effort, we have initially identified seven areas of geological interest for the discovery of gold mineralization. Our first area of focus, Paunch, is located only 1 kilometer north of the Marudi camp and is accessible by road. We anticipate assay results from Paunch very shortly.

Click here to read the full Guyana Goldstrike Inc. (TSXV:GYA) press release.

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