These 7 Car Myths Are Costing You Money

Nilus Mattive

This post These 7 Car Myths Are Costing You Money appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

There was a point in my life when I wanted to own a red car.

All my friends told me I shouldn’t. After all, red cars get more speeding tickets and cost more to insure.

These two truths stopped me from buying myself a red car for years. Until one day, I did a little research.

That’s when I found out these “truths” were bullshit. Nowhere could I find any evidence to suggest that red cars received more speeding tickets than blue, black, or any color for that matter.

And, after a quick call to my insurance, I realized that insurers don’t give a damn about what color car you drive.

So, it got me thinking about what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to cars?

Here’s my list of 7 car myths that are costing you money if you believe them.

Myth #1:
You Can Wax Your Car by Going Through a Car Wash

The car shine business is like the anti-aging skin care section at your local drug store.

There’s a lot of hype and marketing with very little substance to back it up. So do I think it’s worth paying the additional $3 to $5 for “protectant” when you’re at the automatic car wash?

I say, no.

Don’t get me wrong, automatic car washes are great. But I wouldn’t get your hopes up about a product that is sprayed onto your car for 30 seconds and then rinsed off.

It’s better to save that $5 at the car wash and buy and apply a cheap paint sealant yourself, like NuPolish or Mothers California Gold Synthetic Wax. These can last up to a year and should take you less than 30 minutes to apply.

Myth #2:
You Should Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles

Do you remember the old Jiffy Lube jingle? “Every 3,000 miles, just bring it into Jiffy Lube.”

That jingle alone has been costing people money for what seems like a lifetime. Even now that Jiffy Lube has dropped the jingle it still sticks in our minds.

Here’s the deal about oil changes: you change your oil and filter when the owner’s manual recommends it. For many new cars, the recommendation is to change the oil only once every 5,000 miles — or even less frequently.

But don’t take my word. Go by the book.

Myth #3:
Servicing Your Car at Independent Shops Will Void Your Warranty

If you have your services done regularly with quality parts — and keep your paperwork — you should have no problem not voiding your warranty. Dealers are typically the more expensive choice when it comes to repairs, so avoid them if you can.

However, one advantage of going to your dealer is to check if there’s a “Technical Service Bulletin” out on your car. Different from a recall, the manufacturer sometimes warns of a non-safety-related item — like, premature corrosion in a certain area. Trying to find these advisories yourself isn’t easy, but the dealer always gets them directly …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

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