Societal Commentary from Big Al and others. – Tue 27 Mar, 2018

By Big Al

Daniel McAdams opines on the Neocons and John Bolton

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Are the Neocons Winning?

Dear Friends of the Ron Paul Institute:

When we read the news it can be easy to get discouraged. Many libertarian Trump supporters mocked our warnings that arch-neocon John Bolton was sniffing around the White House far too often and may find himself a juicy bone. At the time they said: “Stop fear-mongering! Bolton will NEVER get a position in the Trump Administration!”

Then it happened.

So they started saying: “Stop fear-mongering! Trump hasn’t started any wars! This is just his way of making peace!”

Then Trump went on a rampage, expelling some 60 Russian diplomats on the very dubious claims of British prime minister Theresa May that the Russian president suddenly and inexplicably decided to poison a former Russian double agent released from prison by Russia to live out his retirement in the UK — and to do so in the most dramatic and attention-grabbing way possible!

They said, “stop fear-mongering, Trump’s got to play the ‘deep state’ game until the Mueller investigation wraps up!”

Should we believe them? Aren’t there big risks of such blind faith in a politician proven to be extremely malleable and extremely inconsistent? Especially when we are talking about nuclear war?

At the Ron Paul Institute and Ron Paul Liberty Report we’ve carefully avoided all the pro and con Trump “camps.” We are definitely not members of the pro-Hillary “Resistance.” But neither are we so blind and naive that we would mistake truly darkening clouds overhead for a bright and sunny game of 4-D chess.

“They’ll never do that!” should have ended long ago. At least in the post-Cold War era it should have ended 19 years ago, when the US led an unprovoked attack on Yugoslavia based on lies put forth by the “humanitarian interventionists.”

Plenty has been written about Bolton including no small amount of self-serving hyperbole. But with Bolton, hyperbole is itself hyperbolic. We only need stick to the facts to paint the picture.

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief-of-staff to Colin Powell, professor at the College of William and Mary, and academic advisor to the Ron Paul Institute said in a recent interview that John Bolton is one of the most dangerous Americans he has ever met.

We should believe him. He knows what he’s talking about.

On Thursday we will release a pre-recorded Ron Paul Liberty Report with special guests Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling. Together with Ron Paul and me we make up the speakers at next month’s South Carolina conference titled “Non-Intervention: America’s Original Foreign Policy.” As you’ll see on Thursday, I played devil’s advocate with Jacob, asking him “why should people take all the time and effort to come out and sit and listen to us talk about foreign policy and liberty?” Jacob didn’t miss a beat — and I guarantee his answer will compel …read more

Source:: The Korelin Economics Report

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