How Dad Dropped 100 Pounds on his Lunch Break

Nilus Mattive

By Nilus Mattive

This post How Dad Dropped 100 Pounds on his Lunch Break appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

My Dad had to put himself through college.

To pay his own way, he worked a number of jobs while taking classes and studying. And to save money and time, he ate the vast majority of his meals at “greasy spoon” diners.

So by the time I was born he had gained a college diploma … a solid job … and also more than a hundred pounds of extra weight.

As a kid, I recall jumping on his very large belly and marveling at the fact that he weighed as much as some of my favorite professional wrestlers.

Then, one day, when I was in elementary school, Dad decided it was time to do something about his health.

He wanted to be around as I grew up so he designed a simple weight loss system that relied on the same discipline he used during his school years.

The first step was watching what he ate a bit more carefully.

For example, I remember him removing half the bun whenever he had a hamburger … which was WAY before low-carb diets became an actual trend.

But the keystone of the whole plan was that, instead of eating lunch, he started taking a brisk two-mile walk every day during his break.

Sounds almost too simple, right?

And yes, it flies in the convention of “smaller meals throughout the day” and all the other current thinking on weight loss.

Still, it worked!

Dad went from more than 280 pounds to back under 180.

More importantly, he has kept the majority of that weight off all the way through today – 30-odd years later!

If you’re looking to get more fit right now, my dad’s story should inspire you to do so.

Same thing if you’re looking to get RICHER.

First and foremost, you have to make the decision to do something.

In Dad’s case, it was deciding that he didn’t want to die of a heart attack at age 50.

In your case, it might be wanting to drop 10 or 20 pounds … complete a marathon … or save six figures in a 401(k) plan.

Next, it takes a plan to achieve that goal.

In Dad’s case, it was starting a bit of a diet and a regular exercise program.

Note that he didn’t even do anything extreme. No points systems, fasting programs, intensive cardio workouts, etc. Just a fast walk every day instead of eating lunch.

He followed the basic equation of “less calories in and more calories out every day equals weight loss.”

Really, all he had to do was stick with the system and some degree of success was practically INEVITABLE!

It’s the same basic thing with wealth building but in reverse: More money coming in and/or less money going out equals growing wealth.

Of course, the other part of this is discipline.

Can you take that pay raise and start putting it into savings rather than upping your monthly expenses?

Can you sell off a couple unused items on Craigslist and invest the proceeds?

Can you order …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

The post How Dad Dropped 100 Pounds on his Lunch Break appeared first on Junior Mining Analyst.