Daniel McAdams from the Ron Paul Institure for Peace and Prosperity – Mon 26 Feb, 2018

By Big Al

Daniel McAdams opines on the Mueller Investiation

Why you should worry about the Mueller indictments – RPI’s 25th Feb Update



Daniel McAdams – Ron Paul Institute via gmail.mcsv.net

3:38 PM (19 hours ago)

to me

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Are You Worried About the Mueller Indictments? You Should Be!

Dear Friends of the Ron Paul Institute:Much has been written about the indictments earlier this month of 13 Russian citizens and three Russian entities in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Trump campaign election collusion with the Russian government. But some of the most critical and chilling parts of Mueller’s indictments have been completely ignored in the mainstream media and only lightly noticed even by much of the alternative media.

If you read the indictment (37 pages) or even followed it on reasonably skeptical media, you will notice that nowhere is there any evidence or even assertion that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to help ensure election. An indictment can be a very fanciful document, as it is just a collection of assertions that may or may not be based in fact. This one spins a mysterious web of Russians who allegedly attempted to influence Americans through social media to be either for (or against) Trump, or for (or against) Hillary with the purpose, we are told, of “sow[ing] discord in the US political system.”

In other words, we are to believe that the Russian government took out a few Facebook and Twitter ads with a social media budget of about $100K (and most ad buys occurring after the election) to force us to lose faith in our current two-party system. But as multiple nationwide polls have been indicating for years — before this “plot” — Americans have long been losing faith in the current two-party electoral system. According to a 2015 Gallup poll “Americans are more likely now than at any other time in recent history to avoid choosing either the Republican or the Democrat label when asked to identify their political identification, with 43% instead now choosing the label ‘independent.’”

A very good case can be (and has been) made that the entire Russian “campaign” outlined in the Mueller indictment, which was funded by a private Russian businessman, was in fact a commercial enterprise intended to make money with “click-bait” ads on hot-button issues among Americans. If they want you to click, are they going to show “Hillary for prison” ads or some benign pictures of soap or cows in a meadow?

All this aside, however, there is something very sinister in the Mueller indictments that should raise the hair on the back of any neck that cares about the US Bill of Rights and particularly the First Amendment.

As I said in a recent interview in the MintPressNews:

What is most alarming in the indictment is language clearly targeting ‘witting and unwitting accomplices’ to the so-called Russian efforts. As former CIA officer Phil Giraldi points out, ‘persons known and unknown’ who ‘unwittingly or wittingly’ helped the …read more

Source:: The Korelin Economics Report

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