Wall Street Blindsided (Again!) Plus, 5 Must Knows For Monday

Zach Scheidt

By Zach Scheidt

This post Wall Street Blindsided (Again!) Plus, 5 Must Knows For Monday appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

He did it! …And Wall Street still doesn’t believe it.

I’m talking of course about the corporate tax cuts that the Trump Administration pushed through Congress, and the positive effect that this new tax bill has already had on American companies and American investors.

Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I see how Wall Street and the mainstream media is covering the situation.

Because to hear them talk, you’d think something terrible is happening.

When in actuality, tens of billions of dollars are flowing directly into the pockets of hard working American investors.

In fact, the latest data shows that the “Cash for Patriots” program we’ve been talking about here at The Daily Edge is adding another $78 billion to the normal payments Americans will receive… And we’re just getting started!

A $41.3 Billion Raise for Americans

Want to hear my favorite quote from my weekend research?

“We knew there would be an impact from tax cuts… [but] there have been some big upside surprises in the past seven weeks.”1

That’s from Thomas Matheson, head of dividend research for IHS Markit.

This guy — the guy who is supposed to be one of Wall Street’s top experts on dividends and the companies who pay them — essentially didn’t realize that Trump’s tax cuts would be that big of a deal investors.

Meanwhile, we’ve been here pounding the table for investors to buy American dividend stocks, especially the ones that will benefit from Trump’s tax cuts.

It seemed like a no-brainer to us…

Companies are getting to keep more of the cash that they earn. Companies with big international profits are able to bring that cash back home, while paying a much lower tax rate. And flush with cash, these companies are going to pay much higher dividends to investors.

Today, that’s exactly what is happening! And it’s catching the Wall Street “experts” off guard.

AbbVie (ABBV) is paying investors a quarterly dividend of $0.96 per share — up 35% from what investors received last year.

Aflac (AFL) gave investors a 21% gain over last year which now equates to $0.52 quarterly.

Allstate (ALL) just upped its dividend by 24% — that’s twice the 12% raise Allstate gave investors last year.

Associated Bancorp (ASB) increased its payout by 25% over the last year…

The list goes on and on. I’m only showing you the “A’s” right here!

Between the companies in the large cap S&P 500, the mid cap S&P 400 and the small cap S&P 600, there’s a full $41.3 billion in extra dividends being paid to investors. That’s above and beyond the dividends that were already on the docket before the new tax legislation was passed.

Hopefully you’ve already loaded up on the American stocks that will benefit most from lower taxes and higher dividend payments. If so, you’re already sitting on some nice profits and your dividend checks should have already started flowing.

If not, there’s still time.

But you’ll want to act right away before these …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

The post Wall Street Blindsided (Again!) Plus, 5 Must Knows For Monday appeared first on Junior Mining Analyst.