The One Shark You Shouldn’t Fear

Keene Profits

By Brian Maher

This post The One Shark You Shouldn’t Fear appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

The Daily Reckoning finds itself embarrassed for riches…

We welcomed trading wizard Tim Sykes last week.

And today… with equal pleasure… we introduce another first-chop money man…

Here we speak of Andrew Keene, president and CEO of AlphaShark Trading.

“I’ve always said that everyone in this world has at least one thing they’re good at,” begins Andrew.

“Fortunately,” he adds, “I found mine early in my career: It turned out to be trading.”

Andrew now turns this talent loose in your service.

Fine and well, you say.

But why “AlphaShark”?

In finance, “alpha” is the active return on an investment.

And “shark”?

Andrew has a reputation for sniffing “blood in the water” — opportunity — long before his competitors.

Once this frozen-blooded assassin has the scent, he rounds into action… and fetches himself a fish.

Often a mighty fish.

(He once made $30,000 in 15 minutes.)

The thrill of the hunt is in him:

I love to trade — the rush, the thrill of winning — but more than that, I love the competition of being better than someone else.

Andrew began his career in a shark tank known otherwise as the trading pits of the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

The competition was barbarous.

But Andrew’s fellow traders soon recognized him as “the fastest trader in the pit” and a “big “size” trader.”

But Andrew also acquired a reputation as a trader “who was always honest and would never back out of a trade.”

Even in the slit-throat trading pit — or especially in the slit-throat trading pit — honesty pays.

Some believe no one can assume the title “trader” until bankruptcy threatens at least once in his career.

If this be the case, Andrew has earned his title well…

He lost $496,005 when the mocking gods moved against him.

Andrew Keene needed a rest… to nurse his wounds… and recover.

He winged off to a Buddhist monastery in Thailand.

There he taught English… and contemplated his future.

Would he return to trading… or pursue another line less stressful?

The answer soon struck him as lightning might strike a man…

In five weeks Andrew was home with his remaining $50,000… and within three years he traded that $50,000 into a $5 million fortune — a 100-fold gain:

Trading was a part of him as his heart or his liver was a part of him.

Andrew co-founded the brokerage firm KATL Group.

In 2013, he wrote his blockbusting trading bible — Keene on the Market.

From which:

During my career I have traded… 50 million shares of stock and made over $7 million. None of this trading was ever done on a firm’s position or firm’s account; all the trades have been from my own account and at my own risk [as Andrew’s dalliance with bankruptcy attests].

Andrew has since traded millions of additional shares and made additional millions — from his own account and at his own risk.

His obvious trading talents ultimately attracted the attention of the financial media…

In 2015, Andrew became a regular guest on CNBC’s Trading Nation.

He has likewise become a regular commentator on …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

The post The One Shark You Shouldn’t Fear appeared first on Junior Mining Analyst.