KER Politics – Wed 17 Jan, 2018

By Big Al

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity comments on Prosperity for the Neocons

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Then-US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland plotting “regime change” in Ukraine, 2014.

War Been ‘Berry, Berry Good’ to Victoria

Dear Friends of the Ron Paul Institute:

Many of you recall that classic 1970s Saturday Night Live skit, where comedian Garrett Morris played a retired Dominican Republic-born baseball player, Chico Escuela. “Baseball,” he told the fictional gathering of the St. Mickey’s Knights of Columbus, “been berry, berry good to me.” The club had gone $900 into debt to pay for an inspirational speech from Escuela and club leaders were shocked when he sat down after uttering the single phrase. “Is that it, Chico,” the John Belushi character asks in disbelief. Chico replies, “Keep you eye…keep you eyes…on de ball.”

Soon Morris/Escuela and his catch phrase were firmly established in popular culture and was one of the longest running jokes of the classic days of SNL.

Just as baseball was “berry, berry” good to Escuela, we find that pushing war has been “berry, berry good” to former US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland (and in fact to the whole Kagan neocon clan of which she is a part).

You will recall that it was Assistant Secretary Nuland along with sidekick, US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, who not only had a big part in planning the coup against a democratically-elected government in Ukraine, but who went as far as taking to the streets to provide US-funded refreshments to the protestors/rioters who burned and shot their way into power.

When they finally got their coup, Nuland was caught on the phone with Pyatt actually plotting who should take power in Ukraine when the duly elected president was overthrown. She told Pyatt that they would get their man in the UN, former US diplomat Jeffery Feltman, to “glue this thing” and if the EU got in the way of this “made in America” coup? Well, she said, “(expletive) the EU!”

The Russian reaction to a US-backed coup that saw an extremely hostile junta take control of neighboring Ukraine was predictably negative. When the coup-government started making moves to ban the use of Russian language in areas that had voted 90 percent plus in favor of the deposed, Russia-friendly candidate, Russia moved in on Crimea, an historically Russian enclave, and moved to assist ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the eastern part of the country.

To Washington, its provoking of an anti-Russia coup on Russia’s doorstep was just “democracy promotion,” while Russia’s reaction to Washington-inspired unrest next door was “Russian aggression.” The human toll of this US “regime change” operation is often ignored, but more than 10,000 people were killed in Ukraine from 2014 to 2017. That’s blood on Nuland’s hands.

With the Ukraine operation in motion, the narrative was set and it was overwhelmingly backed by the mainstream media and politicians out to make a buck and earn some votes selling fear. All of a sudden the talk was not of the US-backed …read more

Source:: The Korelin Economics Report

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