Weekend Show – Sat 25 Nov, 2017

By Cory

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We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving in the US and is recovering from all the turkey and family time. As the precious metals markets continue to bore we only spend one segment chatting with Brent Cook and recapping some of the stocks and news from this week. We also continue to discuss Bitcoin and the overall markets. We hope you all enjoy this week’s show.

Please keep in touch by emailing me at Fleck@kereport.com. I love hearing from all of you regarding companies of interest and topics you would like discussed.

Segment 1: We kick off the show with Chris Martenson from PeakProsperity.com to outline the full on insanity in the markets and what could be coming next.
Segment 2: Avi Gilburt, Founder of ElliotWaveTrader.net, updates us on the US equity markets, the US Dollar, and the precious metals markets.
Segment 3: Brent Cook shares his thoughts on a couple stocks including the news out of Garibaldi Resources.
Segment 4: We warp up the first hour with Valentin Schmid and comments on Bitcoin. We focus on the new futures contract for Bitcoin started by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Segment 5: We open KER politics discussing the human quality of American soldiers with Joshua Phillips.
Segment 6: Big Al discusses the criminal element of illegal immigration with Charlotte Cuthbertson.
Segment 7 & 8: We discuss foreign policy errors with Dr Harlan Ullman author of Anatomy of Failure.

Exclusive Company Interview and Commentary

CVR Medial – A New Device To Measure Stenosed Arteries

Update from Novo Resources – When Can We expect Exploration Results?

Segment 1

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Segment 2

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Segment 3

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Segment 4

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Segment 5

Download audio file (1125-2-1.mp3)

Segment 6

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Segment 7

Download audio file (1125-2-3.mp3)

Segment 8

Download audio file (1125-2-4.mp3)

…read more

Source:: The Korelin Economics Report

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