Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful” Shares His 5 Golden Rules Of Investing

Zach Scheidt

By Zach Scheidt

This post Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful” Shares His 5 Golden Rules Of Investing appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

“I don’t own a single investment that doesn’t pay me a monthly or quarterly distribution.” ~Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank

Greetings from sunny Las Vegas, Nevada!

This week, I’m on the road, attending the Stansberry Research Conference at the Aria Hotel and Casino. So far the conference has been a great experience, kicked off by a great presentation from Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank.

Kevin has a net worth of more than $400 million and has been a very successful investors in both public and private companies. So when he speaks about how to invest successfully, it’s definitely worth taking notes.

Today, I want to share five golden rules of investing that I picked up from Kevin this week…

Golden Rule #1: Diversification is the Only Free Lunch

Kevin O’Leary is a big proponent of never putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Perhaps this is why he is so keen on spending time on the set of Shark Tank… By interviewing dozens of small businesses, he is able to invest in a wide number of different growing companies.

That way, if one business doesn’t do well, he never loses a large portion of his wealth. And by investing in many different opportunities, he’s got a bigger chance of hitting a homerun with one of his successful investments.

Kevin’s rule of thumb is to never hold more than 5% of your assets in any one position. And while there may be times I would recommend taking a bigger shot at a particularly safe investment opportunity, the 5% rule is definitely a good baseline to follow.

Golden Rule #2: Never Invest More than 20% of Your Wealth In One Sector

All too often, investors think that they’re diversifying their investments, but they’re still putting all of their eggs in one basket.

Imagine what would have happened to your wealth if you owned 20 different retail stocks over the last five years. Chances are, that while you were diversified into several different stocks, all of your stocks were hurt by the same predator…

That’s why it is important to find opportunities that are in different areas of the market, and different types of business.

It’s a common sense rule, but one that you need to pay special attention to if you’re investing in a handful of similar stock opportunities.

Golden Rule #3: Never Own a Position that Does Not Return Capital

Cash is king. There’s just no way around it.

If you own shares of Tesla, or Facebook, or many other growth stocks, you might make money as the stock trades higher. But you’re at the mercy of whatever the market (essentially a collection of other investors) believes your investment to be worth. If it falls out of favor, you’ve got nothing.

But if you own an investment that pays you cash, you’ve got something… Eventually, the cash is going to pay you back the amount you invested to buy the position in the first place. And …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

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