Weekend Show – Sat 5 Aug, 2017

By Cory The loved (US equities) vs the unloved (metals) markets

Download audio file (0805-KER-Weekend-Show.mp3)

This week was pretty slow and boring until the job numbers on Friday. These numbers reversed the direction of the USD and gold. Both, especially the dollar, were due for a reversal but after the major selloff this year there is a long way to go back up. As for gold the metal continues to trade in the range between $1,200 and $1,300.

In this weekend’s show we spend a lot of the first hour focused on the metals markets as well as the US equity markets. While one sector is ignored (metals) and the other has money continuing to flow in (US markets) there are some worrisome signs for the complacent play.

We hope you all have a great weekend and thank you for spending some time with us. Please email me at any time (Fleck[at]kereport.com) regarding any companies, guests, or topics you would like to see on our show.

Segment 1: Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity kicks off the show with a discussion on trade wars and how the US relationship with Russia and China could impact the markets.
Segment 2: A round table discussion on investing in metals and metals stocks with Doc and the Junior Miner Junkie David Erfle. This is the full uncut version.
Segment 3: George Gero address the outflows of funds from commodity ETFs in July.
Segment 4: Fund Manager Dana Lyons recaps a number of his recent articles where he outlines some concerns about the US equity markets.
Segment 5: (Replay) Valentin Schmidt Business Editor of The Epoch Times discusses the real estate environment in Mainland China.
Segment 6: Dr. Dwight Moore and Big Al continue their discussion about the psychological make up of our politicians.
Segment 7: (Replay) Florence Romano discusses the legislation surrounding The Parental Care Act.
Segment 8: (Replay) Chris Martenson, Co-Founder and Co-Editor of PeakProsperity.com, discusses if Trumps plan to lower the dollar is actually good for the US Economy.

Download audio file (0805-1-1.mp3)

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Source:: The Korelin Economics Report

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