Turn That Frown Upside Down | Mining Conferences Demise

By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder-Editor, CommonStockWarrants.com

The best news for contrarian investors is bad news for the folks at the Metals and Mining Conferences.

‘Turn that frown upside down’.

We have just learned of the demise of the Metals and Mining Conferences held annually in San Francisco and New York.

They have suspended their conferences indefinitely as of 16 July 2014 to include the conference in San Francisco in late November that was always a favor of ours.

The reason:

“The current challenged metals market has led us to make the difficult decision to suspend our events in the best interest of our participants, speakers, sponsors and stakeholders.”

To read their full disclosure on their website, click here.

For those investors looking for a sign of a bottom; this is it; a true contrarian has to love the timing of their termination of conferences.

Frankly, we are of the opinion that by the time of the San Francisco conference in late November that gold will be rocking and rolling at substantially higher prices.

Of course, we are sorry for the loss of an event of this nature and wish the employees well.

Time to Buy.