Chris Martenson: Make Yourself More Self-Sufficient NOW, While It’s Still Easy…

By GoldSilverWorlds

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Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome in Dr. Chris of, and author of the book Prosper! How to Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth Inheriting. Chris is a commentator on a range of important topics such as global politicals, financial markets, governmental policy, precious metals and the importance of preparedness among other things. And it’s always great to have him with us.

Chris, welcome back and thanks so much for joining us again.

Chris Martenson: Thank you. It’s a real pleasure to be with you today, Mike, and all of your listeners.

Mike Gleason: Well, since this is actually the first time we’ve had you on in 2017, Chris, to get started here I’d like to have you set the stage for us because many of us continued to be confused and bewildered by the resilience of these markets. So, first off, give us your thoughts on the first 130 days or so of Trump’s presidency, and then how is it that the U.S. equities market continues to soar to new heights despite what appears to be massive overvaluation? Basically, assess for us what’s going on in the political and financial markets here during the first half of the year as we start off.

Chris Martenson: All right. Well, I love how you set that up, because they’re actually coincident in my mind. The first four months of 2017, we saw something that has never been seen in world history, and that was central banks across the globe creating a trillion dollars of new hot money. So, if you want to know anything I think about the markets, we have to start with 250 billion thin air hot money base currency units being created and tossed into the financial systems. That really is a large explanation factor. And of course, there was this idea that Trump was coming in and that this could put some sort of a fresh air, a theme here, but let’s be clear.

Trump was a surprise victory there, and at about 2:30 in the morning (on election night) with the Dow down 800 points, it rallied and got back to green by open, and no question in my mind, but that was official action, the Plunge Protection Team or somebody like that, and so I think that’s the world we’re in now, really. That’s my setup. The macro setup is the authorities are dumping huge amounts of money into markets to get them to go higher. They’re also making sure that markets can’t go down at any point. They do what they can. My view is they’ll do that until they can’t, and then it will break and it’d be very surprising for a lot of people.

Mike Gleason: Expanding the point here, Chris, lately we have been addressing the exhaustion that some bullion investors are feeling. They have spent the past decade watching as the growth …read more

Source:: Gold Silver Worlds

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