The 1,000% Backdoor Strategy

By James Altucher

This post The 1,000% Backdoor Strategy appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

There’s an excellent chance you’re making a huge mistake with your investments right now. I believe you could easily make multiple times more money by turning in a totally new direction.

It’s based on one simple approach I like to describe as a “backdoor.”

In fact, this is something I’ve personally used to go from having almost zero in my bank account (and being totally desperate) to making $80,000 a month on average and completely changing my life. In fact, by now I’ve probably made about $15 million with this backdoor approach altogether.

So let’s get right to it. About ten years ago, I found myself in kind of a difficult situation…

I was going through a divorce… raising a young daughter… and I needed more money to get by. I had about $2,000 — and I was looking for a way to basically just multiply that money as quickly and safely as possible.

But here’s the thing: I didn’t want to buy ordinary stocks and bonds.

I’d done well with stocks before that — I’d averaged something like a 120% total return in 2003, which I was proud of. But I wanted to do better. I wanted to make 5 times my money. 10 times my money.

And I wanted to try something new. so I did something that’s completely off-limits for most people. You may not even realize it’s possible for your own situation right now — but I promise you, it is.

And that is, I turned to Silicon Valley. Now, we’ve all heard about the money that can be made with startups. Not only by the companies themselves — like Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox, whatever — but the folks who invested in those startups early on.

It’s incredible, but if you just look at Uber, the taxi service, for example, every $1,000 investment at the beginning could have been worth $4.5 million. Which is 4,500 times the initial money.

Or look at Dropbox, the file sharing company. A $5,000 investment at the beginning could have turned into $77,350, which I don’t need to tell you is a lot better than you’ll get from most ordinary stocks and bonds.

So naturally, I wanted a piece of the action. And by 2007 — after months of poking around — I finally found a way in. I took my $2,000 and made a single investment from my home computer, and walked away with a profit of ten million dollars in nine months.

One investment, and I literally became a multimillionaire. So the big question is: How did I pull this off?

I don’t live in Silicon Valley and I don’t have an MBA.

But I went on to make a 6,000% return on a social media startup called Buddy Media. And a 4,000% return on a startup called Ticketfly. Again — all by using the same approach.

Now, if you didn’t know me, it would have seemed like I just got lucky. And to be clear, making extraordinary gains like this …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

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