A $339 Billion Game Changer

By Ray Blanco

This post A $339 Billion Game Changer appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

An unheralded innovation is quietly changing how all computers work.

And it’s one with huge profit potential for you!

In short, every computer has been getting faster, smaller and more capable. But that progress is about to jump to light speed.

Giving you a chance to book historic gains.

Read on for the full story…


Amanda Stiltner
for The Daily Reckoning

A New Intel on the Horizon?
By Ray Blanco

The semiconductor industry is huge… $339 billion-per-year huge.

Back in 1960, it was just being birthed in places like Silicon Valley — of course, it wasn’t called by that name back then.

Since that time, the inventions and innovations of the semiconductor industry have touched on every single aspect of our lives.

In fact, a lot of the credit for the past half-century’s worth of economic growth can plausibly be laid at the feet of the silicon semiconductor chip, with its complex network of tiny electronic elements.

But the past half century’s gains have largely come down to one factor: shrink.

Shrinking chips mean more powerful circuits. This has been the dominant tech trend over the decades… first noticed early on and described by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore.

This process has driven technological change from the very start of the industry to our own time, where a smartphone in your pocket has more computing power than a room-sized mainframe of yesteryear.

But we can’t take shrink for granted. Moore’s law, and the world it created, is drawing to an end.

We can’t shrink forever, you see. There are limits, and we are approaching them now. It gets harder and harder to build smaller chip elements, and that means we need to find new ways to make our chips more powerful.

Companies that are working on creating chip technology that works in entirely different ways from the dominant tech of the past half century is the next big trend in microprocessors. And tied with that should be some hefty profit making opportunities

Currently our processors, memory cards, and other chips all work by using an electron’s charge to store or process data. However, a few innovative companies are now developing and designing chips that store data by reading an electron’s spin.

It’s called magneto resistive random-access memory (MRAM).

It’s a fundamental change in how we build electronic circuits. And it could be the start of the next wave of technological innovation in semiconductors.

Buying stock in a company that is on the cutting edge of MRAM technology today could be like buying Intel in 1971, when it IPO’d with a market cap of barely over $8 million.

MRAM products have been adopted by many companies already and those developing this technology have a supreme first-mover advantage. And the fast growth of “first generation” MRAM technology is quite enticing from an investment standpoint. This tech has growing traction in industrial, automotive, and enterprise storage markets.

MRAM memory chips don’t lose their data like current dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) technology does. They also don’t degrade over time like current …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

The post A $339 Billion Game Changer appeared first on Junior Mining Analyst.