Trump’s Secret Meeting (Today) Could CRUSH The EPA

Zach Scheidt

By Zach Scheidt

This post Trump’s Secret Meeting (Today) Could CRUSH The EPA appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

Today, while most of the financial world is focused on Janet Yellen and her miniscule interest rate hike, Trump is sneaking out the back door.

The Commander in Chief is hopping on Air Force One and leaving Washington.

You probably won’t hear much about Trump’s meeting today. That’s because the media will be hanging on every word coming out of Janet Yellen’s mouth. But Trump’s purpose today will have far more long-term impact than any statement the Fed Chairman could make…

Trump’s Clandestine Trip to Detroit

Today, President Trump will be traveling to Detroit to meet with top executives from the auto manufacturing industry. The meeting is something of an “11th hour intervention” to save as many as 600,000 jobs!

So if this meeting is likely to have such a great impact on saving jobs, why would Trump schedule it on the same day as the Federal Reserve rate hike?

I’ll tell you why…

It’s because this meeting is likely to embolden some of Trump’s most powerful (and verbal) enemies. The meeting could trigger a new wave of protests across America. The meeting could even lead to new supreme court cases challenging its agenda.

Trump isn’t backing down on his pro-jobs agenda.

But it appears that he’s willing to be a bit more subtle about this sensitive meeting… Scheduling it on a day when so much of the media will be distracted elsewhere.

So what is this 11th hour meeting in Detroit all about? And more importantly, how can you profit from it?

Let’s take a look…

Trump’s Campaign Against the EPA

The agenda for Trump’s meeting today is to discuss environmental regulations for cars sold in the U.S.. These regulations were recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency and signed into law by Obama.

Today, auto manufacturers are struggling to figure out how to meet these regulations which require gradual improvement in the average miles per gallon of vehicles sold. According to the regulations, vehicles will need to average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.

New standards have already taken effect with the companies’ 2017 models and will be increased gradually over the next 8 years.1

Auto makers worry that these stringent regulations will not only hurt profits. They will also lead to higher vehicle prices and threaten as many as 600,000 jobs!2

Now I have to say that I’m all for protecting our environment.

After all, I’m the father of a big family, and I want to leave my children with a clean, vibrant and beautiful planet. Heck, I even drive an emission-free electric vehicle!

But I think most of us can agree that the EPA has taken things too far. In the name of protecting our environment, the EPA has placed stringent regulations on many American companies.

Take the “Renewable Fuel Standard” also known as ethanol mandates, for example..

Whoever cooked up the idea in Washington to put inefficient “corn-fuel” into cars is insane (oh, wait, I know who it is… it’s cash-rich corn lobbyists and over-zealous democrats. )

Not only is ethanol …read more

Source:: Daily Reckoning feed

The post Trump’s Secret Meeting (Today) Could CRUSH The EPA appeared first on Junior Mining Analyst.