Welcome to Totalitarian America, President Trump!

By Antonius Aquinas

Trump vs. the Deep State

If there had been any doubt that the land of the free and home of the brave is now a totalitarian society, the revelations that its Chief Executive Officer has been spied upon while campaigning for that office and during his brief tenure as president should now be allayed.

Image adapted from the cover of “Deep State #5” – depicting an assassin from the future

President Trump joins the very crowded list of opponents of the American State which includes the Tea Party, tax resistors, non-interventionists, immigration opponents, traditional family advocates, and a host of others who have been spied upon, persecuted and badgered by federal “intelligence” authorities.

While Congress conducted some feeble hearings and investigations of the shenanigans of the US spy agencies during the interminable Obummer Administration, no real action or reform was taken to reign in the eavesdropping and spying by the national security state on American citizens.

Hopefully, the surveillance of President Trump will change his outlook on the US “intelligence community” especially in regard to those courageous souls who have spoken out and risked life and limb to alert the public about their rulers’ nefarious activities.

Edward Snowden should be among the first to receive a pardon while the person who provided him sanctuary from his American persecutors, the reviled Vladimir Putin, should be commended for his noble act, a rarity among world leaders in this democratic age.

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has become a disembodied robotic video image now and then beamed onto conference stages from his hideout in Moscow. That should be remedied as soon as possible.

Photo credit: Steven Rosenbaum / Getty Images

President Trump has demonstrated throughout his life loyalty to those who have supported him. He should, therefore, do all in his power to extricate Julian Assange from the Ecuadoran Embassy in Great Britain and provide him with safe conduct to the US or any destination in which the heroic whistleblower prefers.

Without the deluge of Wikileaks during last fall’s presidential contest exposing the massive corruption of the Clintonistas, it is unlikely that Trump would have ever prevailed, never mind winning by an electoral landslide.

Julian Assange looks out from his window at the Ecuadoran embassy in London (the window could use a spot of renovation by the way). He has also become a kind of digital ghost and surely he deserves better. The citizenry at large has to thank him for providing it with revealing peeks behind the curtain and allowing to obtain a better understanding of the true nature of the State (as depressing as it may be).

Photo credit: Kirsty Wigglesworth / AP

Ubiquitous Surveillance State

Not only has candidate and President Trump been monitored, but just about every American citizen is under surveillance, the data of which can be used against them at the appropriate time if and when they should challenge the American Leviathan.

NSA whistleblower William Binney confirmed what has been long known in government circles and by those Americans awake …read more

Source:: Acting Man

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