By Jeffrey A. Baker
University of Texas at El Paso
While the shareholders of Aurcana Corporation (TSX VENTURE: AUN) anxiously awaited a 1 for 8 share-consolidation, I was preparing to return to the only perceivable source of problems either currently or in the foreseeable future for the Company. Sixteen of us headed out on a Society of Economic Geologists UTEP Student Chapter trip to visit Aurcana’s Shafter project as part of an effort to foster the growth of the Geologic Sciences in the area, and subsequent excursion to TRER (Texas Rare Earth Resources) April 26-28, 2013
On arrival to the little town of Marfa, Texas the enchantment of the desert southwest had filled the air; it was early in the evening on Friday April, 26 2013, and the landscape was beginning to relax after the relentless pounding of the Sun that happens in these parts of South Texas. Geologic history predominantly marks this region within structural controls; each serving as a library of knowledge about the events that created them, faults and veins waiting to be read like a book. The evidence of the faulting activity and volcanism that mineral deposits source from is prevalent in front of us, adding to the eager anticipation of the next morning where the Society of Economic Geologists UTEP Student Chapter had been invited to the site out at Shafter to attend a “hands on” tour of the operations provided by contributions from both Aurcana Corporation and the UTEP student chapter of SEG.