The Warrant Report: Great Articles For Your Immediate Attention

By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor

Hello Investors,

There are so many interesting opportunities for trading stock warrants and the list grows by the day……

Friday night we launched our new subscriber content and I shared my walkthrough in my weekly audio which is still on our website.

Overview of changes:
Speed, the first thing subscribers notice is the load time of all of our information, lightning-fast.
More information at your figure tips on every company which has stock warrants trading.
If you still want our previous formatting it is there for you.
Coming soon:
Sorting for all companies
Search feature
Top 10 performing warrants, by week, month and year
My Watch List
SEC documents on each U.S. company
Sedar documents on each Canadian company
News on all companies
and the list goes on………

All markets were down this past week, with the exception of Bitcoin, with the following closing prices:
Gold   – $1944.80
Silver – $26.44
USD  – 93.09
Bitcoin USD – 11,832.00

Gold, silver and the miners are now in a necessary consolidation phase after rocketing higher. This is normal, this is to be expected, this is to be used as an opportunity to accumulate more of your favorite shares and/or stock warrants for the next leg up. I don’t believe we need to go down much further in gold but I would like to see another 1 or 2 weeks of slightly down to sideways action to continue to work off some of the excesses on the technical charts.

Dudley’s comments last week:
Can August continue to bring us more gains, IMO, yes! But we must realize that the PM sector is greatly overextended to the upside and that consolidation in the metals and shares could be at hand soon, very soon. However, this provides investors with the opportunity to enter the markets at slightly lower prices and for new subscribers to our services to get invested for substantially higher prices on the next leg up.

If you are not one of many valued subscribers this would be a great time to GET STARTED.

Subscriptions are available for one month, one year, or for a LIFETIME.





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