Company News – Tue 11 Sep, 2018

By Cory댊

Skeena Intersects 43.39 g/t AuEq Over 27.70 Metres at Eskay Creek

Skeena Resources released some very good drill results this morning from the Eskay Creek project. In the last interview with Walter Coles, he discussed how the drilling was focused on Eskay when the weather was better and they were able to drill from surface. While the three holes released were infill holes they returned some very impressive grades over long widths. Here are the highlighted numbers.

  • 15.97 g/t Au, 149.16 g/t Ag, 18.10 g/t AuEq over 34.00 m (SK-18-001)
    • Including: 35.39 g/t Au, 47.28 g/t Ag, 36.06 g/t AuEq over 13.70
  • 20.31 g/t Au, 137.34 g/t Ag, 22.27 g/t AuEq over 34.85 m (SK-18-002)
    • Including: 44.52 g/t Au, 169.53 g/t Ag, 46.94 g/t AuEq over 14.90 m
  • 29.49 g/t Au, 973.01 g/t Ag, 43.39 g/t AuEq over 27.70 m (SK-18-003)
    • Including: 58.95 g/t Au, 2,150.52 g/t Ag, 89.67 g/t AuEq over 12.15 m

I will be chatting with Walter Coles later this week to address the finer points of this release. If you have questions or what certain parts of the news discussed please email me at

Click here to listen to the most recent interview with Walter and I.

Click here to visit the Skeena website for more information on the Company.

…Here’s the news…

Vancouver, BC (September 11, 2018) Skeena Resources Limited (TSX.V: SKE, OTCQX: SKREF) (“Skeena” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the first Au-Ag drill results from the recently initiated and ongoing Phase I surface drilling program at the Eskay Creek Project (“Eskay Creek”) located in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia. Base metal results are pending and will be disclosed once available. The multifaceted Phase I program is being performed in the historically drill defined 21A, 21C and 22 Zones. A reference cross section is presented at the end of this release and on the Company’s website.

Eskay Creek Phase I Drilling Highlights

  • 15.97 g/t Au, 149.16 g/t Ag, 18.10 g/t AuEq over 34.00 m (SK-18-001)
    • Including: 35.39 g/t Au, 47.28 g/t Ag, 36.06 g/t AuEq over 13.70
  • 20.31 g/t Au, 137.34 g/t Ag, 22.27 g/t AuEq over 34.85 m (SK-18-002)
    • Including: 44.52 g/t Au, 169.53 g/t Ag, 46.94 g/t AuEq over 14.90 m
  • 29.49 g/t Au, 973.01 g/t Ag, 43.39 g/t AuEq over 27.70 m (SK-18-003)
    • Including: 58.95 g/t Au, 2,150.52 g/t Ag, 89.67 g/t AuEq over 12.15 m

Gold Equivalent (AuEq) was calculated with the formula: Au (g/t) + [Ag (g/t) / 70]. Reported core lengths represent 80-100% of true widths and are supported by well-defined mineralization geometries derived from historical drilling. Length weighted AuEq composites were constrained by geological considerations as well as a calculated 1.0 g/t AuEq assay grade cut-off assuming reasonable prospects for economic extraction via open pit mining methods. Grade capping of individual assays has not been applied to the Au and Ag assays informing the length weighted AuEq composites. Processing recoveries have not been applied to the AuEq calculation and are disclosed at 100% due to a lack of supporting information. Samples below detection limit were nulled to a value of zero.

Phase I Drilling Discussion

The Phase I drilling program on the 21A, 21C and 22 Zones is designed to infill areas with low drill density to sufficient drill spacing to allow for future economic analyses and to collect fresh material for an upcoming metallurgical characterization and testing program. Because no historical drill core remains for any zones at Eskay Creek, new material must be collected for metallurgical evaluations. Overall, the metallurgical program is designed to gather unbiased, representative material that is spatially distributed throughout the various zones that will ultimately be used to optimize future mine planning. Reported core lengths represent 80-100% of true widths and are supported by well-defined mineralization geometries derived from historical drilling.

Phase I drill hole SK-18-001, which intersected 15.97 g/t Au, 149.16 g/t Ag, 18.10 g/t AuEq over 34.00 m, correlates extremely well with historical drill hole C98901 which intersected 10.03 g/t Au, 107.70 g/t Ag, 11.57 g/t AuEq over 32.42 m. The continuity of the 21A Zone and validity of the historical drilling is further corroborated by SK-18-003 which averaged 29.49 g/t Au, 973.01 g/t Ag, 43.39 g/t AuEq over 27.70 m and is located 5 metres away from historical drill hole C98902 which intersected 28.60 g/t Au, 107.25 g/t Ag, 30.13 g/t AuEq over 29.50 m.

Drill hole SK-18-003 intersected a zone of massive stibnite with abundant millimeter-scale flecks of electrum (Au-Ag alloy) occurring between coarse grains of stibnite that returned values of 95.10 g/t Au, 14,591.50 g/t Ag, 303.55 g/t AuEq over 0.60 m. Analytical results for antimony and base metals are pending and will be disclosed once available.

The mineralization encountered to date in the first three holes spatially correlates very closely with historical drilling. Of note is the surprising occurrence of significant Au-Ag assay results in areas that are devoid of visually quantifiable mineralization. Typically, these values occur in intensely sheared and sericitized felsic volcanics (rhyolites) immediately in the footwall to the contact mudstone-hosted exhalative mineralization.

The 21A Zone is currently drill defined over a large area measuring 420 m along strike, 180 m down dip with true widths ranging from 1 to 80 m in thickness. The high Au-Ag grades, large widths and proximity to surface potentially allow the 21A Zone to be amenable to open pit mining.

Paul Geddes, Skeena’s VP of Exploration stated, “These first results confirm the extremely high-grade Au-Ag mineralization hosted in the undeveloped 21A Zone. Aside from infill drilling, the Company is also completing a metallurgical program that will allow us to develop and maximize the value of Eskay Creek through technical optimizations. We are also in the process of assessing the potential value of the antimony and base metals.”

21A and 21B Zones – Analogous Mineralization Styles

Geologically and geochemically equivalent to the 21A Zone is the 21B Zone which accounted for the bulk of the mineralization historically mined at Eskay Creek. The 21B Zone occurs as a tabular, stratiform, fault bounded body characterized by well-bedded, reworked sulfides and sulfosalts interbedded with unmineralized, carbonaceous argillite (mudstone). In addition to the extremely …read more

From:: The Korelin Economic Report