Russian view of gold and silver prices

By Michael Noonan
ETF Daily News

silgold160One of the biggest problems for the West, the US in particular, is its increasingly parochial perspective from the narrowest of lenses, fully colored by the elite’s use of its main propaganda machine, the Maintstream Media. It will not work for people to expect more from their government, rather, people have to demand and expect more from themselves, for in the end, people will discover all they really had to rely upon was themselves and failed to do so.

All of the information one needs to make more enlightened decisions is out there. One has to change their broken habits of spoon-fed expectations from local news and take a more active role in seeking the truth. In a nation that relies upon a police state, increased militarization, and NSA [STASI] spying on its docile population, one cannot expect to hear truth, only lies, and the Obama administration is certainly delivering them.

Ask yourself, what is your impression of Russia, of Putin? Then, consider the following information about both. Never in the history of the world have [mostly] Western central bankers issued anything but worthless paper currency, backed by nothing, controlled by unelected bureaucrats, and none beholding to nor responsible for citizens of a nation, your neighbors and everyone you may know. This is the world in which most of you live without challenging it. Others, outside of the Western sphere of central banks, with a firm grip on their respective governments, refuse to remain a victim of the West’s inflationary degradation via fiat currencies and the rot-from-within they generates.

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