Bob Moriarty: From the Geopolitical to the Geological

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Source: Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports 10/04/2018

Precious metals expert Bob Moriarty, in a wide-ranging conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, discusses trade wars and trade pacts, real wars, precious metals and some equities that have grabbed his attention.

Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Bob Moriarty, the founder of 321gold and 321energy and the author of two of my personal favorite books, “The Art of Peace” and “Nobody Knows Anything.” Mr. Moriarty, welcome to the show, sir.

Bob Moriarty: Thank you. It’s good to talk to you.

Maurice Jackson: Bob, as always, it’s an honor to have you on our show, sir. We have some important topics to cover for the audience. I would like to begin our discussion regarding geopolitics by regions beginning in the United States. What has your attention and why?

Bob Moriarty: Oh God. I think this week by the time you put this out will know one way or another, but the Kavanaugh debacle, it’s embarrassing. The rest of the world is watching the United States make a fool of themselves.

Maurice Jackson: It truly is. Let me ask this as well. How about the Federal Reserve increasing increase rate? Talk to us also about your thoughts regarding the new trade agreement that we have with Canada.

Bob Moriarty: Well, I’m glad to see there is a trade agreement. Certainly, Canada has recognized its 300% tariffs on dairy products were foolish. Socialism is very popular, because when you feel the government is doing something just for you, you’re all in favor of it. Canada’s policy has been good for 16,000 dairy farmers in Canada and bad for everybody else. It was a stupid policy on their part. I’m not a big fan of Donald Trump. I think the man’s a blithering idiot; however, some of his points are perfectly valid. Canada had absurd tariffs on dairy products, protecting their dairy industry. They needed to change them. Obviously, I don’t have all the details any more than you, but Trump has been successful in getting Mexico to realize there were issues that needed to be sorted and China and now Canada. I think it’s a good idea.

Maurice Jackson: How about the Federal Reserve increase in interest rates? Should that be something that we should be concerned about?

Bob Moriarty: When you’re in debt far more than you can ever pay, it really doesn’t make a rat’s ass what the interest rate is, because the critical issue isn’t the interest rate. The critical issue is can I pay this back? The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates. They’re reversing QE. They were incredibly stupid for 10 years. Now, we get to pay the price. Now, there’s going to be a massive recession/depression. That’s going to occur regardless of the interest rates. The interest rate increase just make it happen a little faster.

Maurice Jackson: I’m going to be interested to see what’s going to occur with the peripheral markets here as they unwind this QE per se. Let’s move now to the Middle East and specifically Syria, which involves a number of players fighting there. What are you focused on?

Bob Moriarty: Let me ask a question first of all, because the issue has to go to the heart of self-defense. Under the British education system, they teach you the question is more important than the answer. There’s a very valid reason for that. If you don’t ask the right question, you never come to the right answer. We are fed nonsense on a regular basis. It’s because people don’t ask the right question. Let me ask you a question, does Israel have a natural right to self-defense?

Maurice Jackson: They do.

Bob Moriarty: Okay. If Israel has a natural right to self- defense, does Syria have that same right?

Maurice Jackson: They do as well.

Bob Moriarty: Yeah, of course they do. Even more interesting, if Israel and Syria have a natural right of self-defense, does Gaza?

Maurice Jackson: They do.

Bob Moriarty: Of course they do. They’re not really a country, per se. Israel is just cut up Palestine into little tiny unmanageable parts, but yes. Everyone has the right to self-defense. Do you personally have a right to self-defense?

Maurice Jackson: Yes, I do, sir.

Bob Moriarty: Of course you do. Everybody does. We assume that Israel has a right to self-defense and not only do they have a right to self-defense, the United States has an obligation to fight their wars for them. That’s really pretty stupid, but Syria has right of self-defense. Iran has the right to self-defense. Iraq has the right to self-defense. Gaza has a right to self-defense.

All of the problems in the Middle East go back to Israel wanting to steal land. They’ve been stealing land since 1947, and Russia has just said, “Okay, here’s a line in the sand. If you cross it, we’re going to shoot your aircraft down.” Russia has put in a bunch of S300 SAM missiles into Syria and said, “Okay, United States, you stay out. Turkey, you stay out. Israel, you stay out.” They’ve got all the right in the world to do that. I’ll be real candid. I’m speaking as a pilot with 1200 hours of flying as a combat pilot with over 800 missions. I wouldn’t mess with Russia.

Maurice Jackson: No, they seem to be a very formidable foe there. We’re talking about the U.S. involvement in the Middle East. The United States this year will become the largest producer of oil. How will this impact our relationship and involvement in the Middle East in the future years?

Bob Moriarty: I’m not sure that there’s a direct connection. Our central problem in the Middle East is the total and absolute control that AIPAC …read more

From:: The Gold Report