Brigadier Gold to drill past-producing Mexican gold-silver prospects


Brigadier Gold Limited [BRG-TSXV; BGADF-OTC; B7LN-FSE] is gearing up to drill its 100%-controlled Picachos-San Augustin Project centred over the historic Viva Zapata national mineral reserve in Sinaloa, Mexico. Permits are in place, a camp is being built and drill pads have been constructed for the $1.5 million, 5,000-metre drill program comprising 25 to 50 holes that is scheduled to start by the end of August.

The road-accessible, 3,954-hectare property has over 160 underground historic mines and workings.

“The last mining was done at the San Augustin Mine about five years ago,” said Ranjeet Sundher, CEO. “The previous operator closed all the artisanal mining operations in order to consolidate a larger all-encompassing project. Some of the old mines date back to the Spanish colonial times but most date back to about 25 to 30 years ago.”

The drill program will target drill-ready, high-grade veins that are open at depth that have never been drill-tested. “There are some 665 metres of adits and shafts on the property which we view as both a high-grade underground and porphyry open pit operation,” said Sundher.

Underground sampling by a previous operator implied an average grade of 81.22 g/t gold and 73.36 g/t silver across 1.2 metres. MCA produced about 1,850 tonnes from a shaft at the end of the main level which returned assays from the bottom of the shaft of 185 g/t gold.

There are attractive silver assays that Brigadier plans to investigate, including 682 g/t silver and 18.14 g/t gold from a dump next to a historic San Augustin stope.

“Silver has not been targeted and we will probably be the first group to have a hard look at the silver potential; there are economic silver values,” said Sundher.

The company has local community support and recently signed a renewable five-year agreement that grants full access for mining activities.