RPMGlobal upgrades industry-leading platform

RPMGlobal has announced improvements to XPAC Solutions, its cutting-edge scheduling tool.

The release of XPAC Solutions 3.0 is the result of a multi-year work program with major architectural and functionality enhancements, for greater benefits from the parametric scheduling solution.

Paul Beesley, RPMGlobal’s chief technology officer, described the launch of XPAC Solutions 3.0 as the biggest change to the company’s scheduling solution since its inception.

“XPAC Solutions 3.0 expands the breadth and depth of the tool’s functionality and provides a level of sophistication that is unmatched on the market today,” Beesley said in a release.

XPAC Solutions 3.0 comes equipped with a new and improved user interface that gives mine planners more capabilities

With more than 40 years of continuous product history, XPAC Solutions remains the planning and scheduling solution of choice for the mining industry, according to the company. The mine planning tool has been specifically built for a range of different commodities and mining methods across the sector to ensure maximum value.

XPAC Solutions 3.0 comes equipped with a new and improved user interface that gives mine planners more capabilities and a number of improvements to the user experience.

Major improvements include the introduction of a feature called Workspaces, which provides an easier way for users to manage the different components required for a scheduling cycle.

The Workspace Explorer makes it easy and convenient for mine planners to navigate through and check the status of every model in the Workspace. A new and automated process has also been streamlined to make it easier for end-users to collaborate.

Workspaces has been tightly integrated into RPMGlobal’s model repository. An entire workspace can now be controlled in the model repository, allowing datasets to be shared by multiple users across the enterprise.

Users can check out and check in parts of a model and see what has been checked out and by whom in real time. A full history of all changes is also maintained providing auditability across the different components.

The ability to share scheduling models and all their input data across an entire workforce makes it far more convenient to collaborate on projects, while also providing tremendous flexibility when team members are working remotely.

Alongside some significant enhancements to haulage modelling over the last year, RPMGlobal has continued to build on the tight integration with its leading discrete event simulation solution, HAULSIM.

“As a fully integrated and advanced mine planning tool, these latest scheduling improvements further demonstrate RPMGlobal’s commitment to providing our customers with the most advanced mining technology and architecture,” added Richard Mathews, CEO of RPMGlobal.

RPMGlobal is a leader in the mining software solutions field and also provides advisory services and professional development.

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining