Local Currencies could save the Day says Chris Temple

click play to listen
Chris says, “Useful links are shown below”l

Check out the following links:

* This is a dated but power-packed 2-part article Chris
wrote years ago chronicling the history and success of Ithaca Hours.

Ithaca HOURS–Community currency alternative to Bitcoin

* This weekend show from April, 2015 had Chris pinch-hitting
in those days for a convalescing Big Al; and on this program Segments 7 & 8
were an interview Chris did with Ithaca Hours Founder Paul Glover.

Building an Economic Lifeboat

* This is Mr. Glover’s own web site highlighting the above
and MUCH more of his work to help local communities become self-sufficient in
numerous ways (NOTE: Do NOT order anything at this time from the site as it is
not working properly. Chris has set out to help with that, as it is Mr. Glover
now who is hobbled by a recent stroke.)


* For those who want to roll up their sleeves and get
serious about monetary reform, Chris recommends one of his favorite sites:
