Rutile identified as the carrier of vanadium at Eurobattery Minerals’ project

Eurobattery Minerals AB announced that researchers working at Fetsjön project in Sweden have identified rutile as the carrier of vanadium recovered in the bedrock of the prospect area.

“Even if early results, it’s encouraging to see that the scientists have now identified the carrier of the vanadium in our prospecting area in northern Sweden,” Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals, said in a media statement. “In order to provide ethical and fully traceable minerals and support the electric revolution, it is important that all stakeholders collaborate.”

The scientists conducted both field studies and microprobe analyses of material from the Fetsjön project

Back in December, the Stockholm-based company signed an agreement with Uppsala University in Sweden and AGH University of Science & Technology in Poland, whose researchers have been given the task of testing new more efficient and cost-effective methods to obtain battery minerals. These techniques are expected to complement currently used technologies.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Eurobattery Minerals said that the research project continues in accordance with the plan and that the next step is to initiate tests on sustainable ways to extract vanadium from rutile. 

The firm also said its vision is to help Europe become self-sufficient in ethical battery minerals.