AngloGold CEO appointed new World Gold Council chair

The World Gold Council on Monday announced the appointment of Kelvin Dushnisky, CEO of AngloGold Ashanti, as its new chair. Dushnisky succeeds David Harquail, who has served as chair since 2017.

Dushnisky has been CEO of AngloGold since September 2018 and was previously president and director of Barrick Gold. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, the Accenture Global Mining Executive Council, member and principal business adviser to the Institute of Business Advisers Southern Africa and the Institute of Directors Southern Africa.

Commenting on his latest position with the WGC, Dushnisky stated: “David Harquail has been an outstanding chair of the World Gold Council. During his tenure, he has helped to embed the new governance model for the organization, which has led to greater member participation and engagement.”

“I believe the World Gold Council has never been stronger and more influential than it is today, and I look forward to further advancing the World Gold Council’s work,” he continued.

World Gold Council CE David Tait says the appointment of Dushnisky would bring “a wealth of knowledge and industry experience, which will greatly benefit our work in enabling greater recognition of gold as a mainstream asset and helping all stakeholders understand the enormous contribution that this industry makes to improve people’s lives.”