Teck walks away from Frontier oilsands project

Teck Resources (TSX:TECK.A | TECK.B)(NYSE:TCK) has officially withdrawn its application to build the $20.6-billion Frontier oilsands mine, just days before the Canadian government was slated to make a decision on the 260,000-barrel-per-day project in northern Alberta.

Canada’s largest diversified miner will
take as a result a $1.13-billion writedown on the project,
which it said would have created 7,000 construction jobs, 2,500 operating
jobs, and brought in more than $70 billion in government revenue.

“We are disappointed to have arrived at this point,” president and chief executive, Don Lindsay, wrote in a letter addressed to federal Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson.

“Teck put forward a socially and environmentally responsible project that (…) has unprecedented support from Indigenous communities and was deemed to be in the public interest by a joint federal-provincial review panel following weeks of public hearings and a lengthy regulatory process.”

Wilkinson noted global capital
markets were changing rapidly, with investors and customers increasingly
looking for jurisdictions to have a framework in place that reconciles resource
development and climate change, in order to produce the cleanest possible

“This does not yet exist here today,”
he wrote. “It is now evident that there is no constructive path forward for the

The missive was posted on Teck’s
website Sunday night, just a few hours after the Athabasca Chipewyan First
Nation (ACFN) had reached an agreement with the province of Alberta on several
environmental areas of concern.

The deal meant that all 14 affected
First Nations and Métis organizations in the area had granted their support for
the project, first proposed in 2011.

Teck’s unexpected decision frees
Ottawa from issuing a ruling that deeply divided Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s

Alberta Premier, Jason Kenney,
blamed the decision on “federal inaction” triggered by ongoing blockades to
rail lines and other infrastructure in opposition to the Coastal GasLink
pipeline in northern British Columbia.

“Teck’s decision is disappointing,” Kenney said in a news release, “but in light of the events of the past few weeks it is not surprising.

“It is what happens when
governments lack the courage to defend the interests of Canadians in the face
of a militant minority.”

Alberta estimates the oilsands industry
emits 67-68 megatonnes (MT) of greenhouse gases, although Ottawa uses a higher
figure. The former Alberta government legislated a 100 MT cap but never
implemented it.