Newmont ranked as top gold miner on Dow Jones sustainability index

Newmont Goldcorp (NYSE: NEM, TSX: NGT) announced Monday was ranked as the top global gold mining company on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for its leading environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

This marks the 12th consecutive year the company has been named to the list. Newmont was the first gold miner named to the index in 2007, and has been included on the DJSI North America Index every year since 2006.

The DJSI evaluates companies based on a comprehensive corporate sustainability assessment (CSA) conducted by Swiss-based RobecoSAM, a sustainability asset management, analysis and investment firm. The CSA evaluates 20 financially material sustainability criteria across economic, environmental and social dimensions.

Newmont ranked in the 100th percentile for leading performance in the following areas:

  • Economic: corporate governance, risk and crisis management, and materiality;
  • Environmental: management of water-related risks;
  • Social: labor practices, corporate citizenship, and talent attraction and retention.

“Leading environmental, social and governance performance not only helps us manage risk and create value for our stakeholders, it is also an indicator that our business is well-managed and positioned for long-term success,” commented president and incoming CEO Tom Palmer.