Ivanhoe drills 18% copper at Kamoa-Kakula

Ivanhoe Mines of Vancouver continues to drill its Kamoa-Kakula copper deposit 25 km west of Kolwezi and has been rewarded with an intersection of 18% copper – the highest grade ever – from the Kamoa North Bonanza zone. Not only is the grade ultra-high, the mineralization is visually spectacular, says the company.

Assays for hole DD1571 are pending, but the Niton x-ray fluorescence of the core from the hole indicated a copper grade of 18.0% over 18.9 metres at a 2% copper cut-off grade. The intersection begins 209 metres down hole. Although XRF indications may not be as reliable as assay results, Ivanhoe says that in its experience the two correspond very well on core from Kamoa.

Drilling has extended the Kamoa North Bonanza zone to at least 550 metres along strike and a width of up to 60 metres. The total strike length may be as long as 2.7 km.

The Kamoa-Kakula copper project is a joint venture of Ivanhoe Mines (39.6%), Zijin Mining Group (39.6%), Crystal River global (0.8%), and the DRC government d(20%). Ivanhoe and Zijin are sharing the cost of exploration and development.

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)