Analyst Increases Target Price on ‘Top Lithium Exploration Pick’

Source: Streetwise Reports   04/25/2019

The rationale for the upgrade to the name and its elevated status are laid out in a Canaccord Genuity report.

In an April 22 research note, analyst Eric Zaunscherb reported that Canaccord Genuity raised its target price to CA$2.75 per share from CA$2.25 on Neo Lithium Corp. (NLC:TSX.V), its “top lithium exploration pick.” The company’s stock is currently trading at around CA$0.73 per share.

Zaunscherb explained that “the increased target price reflects conservatively applied parameters gleaned from the Tres Quebradas lithium brine project prefeasibility study, including the impact of higher grades and flow rates in early years.”

The higher target also takes into account Canaccord having lowered its assigned discount rate on the project to 11% from 12%. “The reduced discount rate mirrors the project stage, management’s ongoing success in derisking the project and our increased confidence following a successful site visit,” Zaunscherb indicated.

The analyst then presented the main reasons why Canaccord highly favors Neo Lithium as an investment.

One, its Tres Quebradas is “the highest-grade lithium brine project with the most attractive chemistry globally in the hands of a junior company,” Zaunscherb commented. Canaccord expects that over the next two to three years, the company will take the project through ramp-up of lithium carbonate equivalent production, toward 20,000 tons per annum, and require low capex and opex to do so.

Also, the project offers “excellent” exploration upside, with the high likelihood the mine can produce at a greater rate and for longer than the terms outlined in the prefeasibility study.

Two, the company’s management team has “done a superb job advancing” Tres Quebradas, and maintains a “strong and positive relationship with the government of Catamarca,” Zaunscherb noted. Given those two factors, Neo Lithium should easily move through the feasibility and permitting stages.

Three, Neo Lithium’s is currently trading at “a considerable discount to non-precious exploration and development companies we cover,” and to “peer averages based on enterprise values per in situ resources and reserves,” indicated Zaunscherb.

Four, if the lithium price remains static over the next 12 months, Zaunscherb wrote, Neo Lithium should lean toward offering reward versus risk.

Canaccord Genuity has a Speculative Buy rating on Neo Lithium.

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Disclosures from Canaccord Genuity, Neo Lithium Corp., Raising Target Price, April 22, 2019

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( Companies Mentioned: NLC:TSX.V,