CSA Global, PDAC award pair of bursaries

CSA Global and the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada announced the winners of the Joan Bath and Peter Howe bursaries. The awards will be presented at the PDAC convention in Toronto during the student-industry networking lunch on March 4, 2019.

Rebecca Montsion

The recipient of the Joan Bath award is Rebecca Montsion. She is studying the integration of specialist knowledge and computer techniques to understand precious and base metal deposits in Precambrian greenstone belts.

James Kidder

James Kidder will receive the Peter Howe bursary. He is studying new geochemical tools to aid in the discovery of deep targets and those with thick overburden.

The student bursary awards were launched in 2018 to assist geoscientists and mining engineers who have industry experience and are enrolled in further study programs in economic geology or mining.

This story first appeared at Canadian Mining Journal.

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