More high grades from Indin Lake for Nighthawk

Toronto-based Nighthawk Gold Corp. continues to explore its Indin Lake gold property. Work done in 2018 included 2,153 grab and channel samples that led to the discovery of new high grade gold showings.

Gold showings and targets at the Indin Lake gold property. (Image: Nighthawk Gold)

The company also drilled the first ever holes at the Swamp target. This is a newly defined and laterally extensive gold system west of the historic Colomac gold mine. Three holes were drilled, and two discoveries were made at surface. As well, the extension of the mineralized zone was confirmed at depth.

Nighthawk geologists seem to find high grades wherever they go.

A new discovery at Fishhook returned up to 174.50 g/t gold in grab samples. Grab samples from the Nice Lake sill tested up to 41.90 g/t gold. There is a new high grade discovery at Andy Lake, where a quartz vein sampled up to 42.10 g/t gold. The high grade mineralization was expanded at Treasure Island, where a historical trend returned 45.60 g/t gold.

Values at the Laurie Lake showing ranged from 1.05 g/t to 22.50 g/t gold. Surface samples from the Bay showing assayed from 0.56 g/t to 7.02 g/t gold across an area 1.2 by 1.8 km northeast of Laurie Lake. Grab samples from the Barker-Vidie showing tested 23.60 g/t gold.

This story first appeared on Canadian Mining Journal.

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