The New York Abortion Law Simply Amazes Me says, Big Al

I plan to do an audio on this subject later today. Right now Big Al and Kathy are totally snowed in their cottage so give me a couple of hours. I would certainly appreciate comments on this post.



Stop Barbaric New Abortion Laws



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Stop Barbaric New Abortion Laws

The state of New York just passed one of the most barbaric abortion laws in U.S. history, essentially making it legal to abort a baby at any stage of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth. It even removes legal protections for babies born alive from botched abortions.

Now other states are trying to do the same thing.

We’ve assembled our legal team to fight back:

We are preparing to send records demands under state sunshine and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) laws to expose exactly how involved Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry were in pushing this new law forward.

We’re looking for every possible way to challenge the law under New York statutes.

We’re mobilizing to ensure that these new laws cannot be used to target pro-life doctors and nurses and force them to perform abortions.

Finally, we’re examining other legal angles as other states look to pass similar laws.

Stand with us to protect these precious babies before it’s too late.

Petition to Expose and Defeat Barbaric Abortion Laws


The Left’s Troubled Past of Abortion and Eugenics

By Jordan Sekulow9 hrs. ago

The stunning developments of recent days out of Virginia with an extremist abortion-through-birth bill, the governor promoting infanticide, and a total collapse of the top three pro-abortion elected officials, remind us of the Left’s troubled past. First, I detailed exactly what happened in…READ MORE

Exposing the Abortion Industry’s Control Over New York Law

By Benjamin P. Sisney9 hrs. ago

You’ve read about the shocking legislation abortion advocates passed in New York: the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), that removed New York’s restrictions on abortion and would allow abortion up to the moment of birth. You’ve also heard about how Virginia’s Governor and legislators – bought and paid…READ MORE

ACLJ Submits Testimony Opposing Barbaric Vermont Bill

By CeCe Heilyesterday

Today, we submitted our written testimony regarding “Vermont’s Public Hearing on (H.57), An act relating to preserving the right to abortion.” Following the lead of New York, Vermont is considering its own legislation expanding abortion rights. This comes as no surprise as NARAL Pro-Choice America…READ MORE

President Calls for Late-Term Abortion Ban at SOTU

By Matthew Clark2 days ago

As I watched the State of the Union address, it hit me. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a President make such a bold and compelling case in defense of life and to end horrific late-term abortions in the State of the Union address. President Trump’s powerful words are worth reading again: There could…READ MORE